Userland Memory Management

Why Userland Memory Management?

  • Why discuss user land memory management in an OS course?

  • After all, user land memory management is almost always an implementation detail of a standard library or virtual machine.

  • The reason that this is important is that the OS allocates to user programs memory as units of contiguous virtual pages.

  • The unit of the page is not very useful for many programs. Most programs work in terms of structured objects that are composed of primitive data types and pointers to other structured objects or primitive data types.

Why Userland Memory Management?

  • Because programs need a view of the machine as something other than pages, we can consider the topic of user land memory management as a detail of the virtual machine that the system provides.

  • Because the details of the memory management system differ based on language needs, it is impractical for this component to exist within the operating system implementation.

Heap Management

The Heap

  • The heap is the portion of a process’ memory that is used for data that lives beyond the lifetime of any one function or method. The lifetime of this data is defined by when it is allocated and when the heap manager either explicitly deletes it or garbage collects it.

  • Languages like C or C++ allocate chunks of memory manually through explicit statements like malloc, free, new, delete, etc…

  • Languages like C# or Java allocate chunks of memory through statements like new and deallocate memory with garbage collectors

The Memory Manager

  • The memory manager has the following responsibilities:

    • Manages list of allocated sections of memory

    • Manages list of free regions in memory

    • Allocation - When a program manages memory for an object, the memory manager will find a chunk of contiguous memory at least as large as the object. If not enough contiguous memory is available, it asks the operating system for more heap space

    • Deallocation - When a program deallocates heap memory, the memory manager returns the deallocated space to the free list. Memory is typically not returned to the operating system in most implementations.

Characteristics of Memory Allocation

  • Requests from a program for chunks of the heap are typically not of the same size

  • Deallocation is not predictable. In the stack, memory is allocated and freed in First In Last Out order. This is not true of the heap.

  • Therefore, the memory manager must be prepared to handle requests of differing size in unpredictable order

  • Most of the time, the majority of requests are for small regions of memory that are measured in bytes or kilo-bytes.

Characteristics of Memory Allocation

  • Although not optimal, it is acceptable for an allocator to return a region of memory larger than the requested size.

  • Many allocators will split the heap into buckets of a different chunk sizes.

  • So, for example an allocator may service a request for 31 bytes of memory with a region of memory that is 32 bytes in size.s

Characteristics of a Good Memory Manager

  • Space Efficiency - The memory manager should minimize the total heap needed by a program. This is accomplished by minimizing heap fragmentation.

  • Program Efficiency - Allocations should be arranged in memory to preserve locality

  • Low Overhead - Memory allocations / deallocations are frequent operations in a program. Because of this, the overhead of the memory manager should be minimized. Efficiency for smaller memory allocations should be a priority over efficiency for larger allocations since smaller allocations happen more frequently.

A Refresher on the Memory Hierarchy

  • Memory Type / Memory Size / Access Time

  • Registers / 32 words / 1 ns

  • L1 Cache / 16 - 64KB / 5-10 ns

  • L2 Cache / 128KB - 4MB / 40-60 ns

  • Physical Memory / 512MB - 8GB / 100 - 150 ns

  • Swap File / 512MB - 8GB / 3 - 15 ms

Program Locality

  • Often, programs contain many instructions that are never executed.

  • Programs built with reusable libraries, often only use a small fraction of the capability of these libraries.

  • Programs typically spend most of their time executing innermost loops and recursive functions.

  • Only a small fraction of code that could be executed is actually executed. This means, that within any given method, there are basic blocks of code dedicated to exception and error handling that is often not invoked.


  • Internal fragmentation - When a request for memory is answered with a region of memory that is larger than the request, the remainder is wasted.

  • External fragmentation - Regions of contiguous memory that are not large enough to service requests.

  • External fragmentation = 1 - (largest free region / total free memory)

  • Fragmentation comes about because while decisions can be made about where heap allocations are placed, the order of their eventual deallocations cannot be controlled or predicted.

Reducing Fragmentation of the Heap

  • The heap starts as one contiguous free space

  • As the program allocates and deallocates memory, the free space will no longer be contiguous

  • After a while, there may be regions of free space that are not large enough to service a memory allocation request.

  • If the free space becomes sufficiently fragmented, then it is possible that even though there is enough total free memory, a request for more memory could fail because there isn’t a contiguous free region that is large enough.

Best-Fit vs Next-Fit

  • The best-fit allocation policy is to fit each request into the free memory region that is the smallest that will satisfy the request

  • The first-fit allocation policy is to fit each request into the first free memory region encountered in a search that will satisfy the request

  • Overall, the best-fit policy provides the best performance in most cases.

  • The downside to the best-fit policy is that it results in a more complex allocator and there is some cost to the search for the best fitting free region (although there are ways around this).


  • To avoid the costs associated with searching for the best-fit free space region for an allocation, best-fit allocators commonly will split up the heap into different buckets.

  • Each of these buckets will be responsible for serving different sized requests.

  • In the GNU Standard C Library, there are buckets of size 8-byte, 16-byte, 24-byte, …. 512-byte. For larger allocations, there are additional buckets for sizes spread out logarithmically (512, 576, 640, ….)

  • To service an allocation request, the allocator will use the free list in the bucket that is the smallest that is also the same size or larger than the request. If that bucket is empty, then the next largest one is used. If all buckets are full, then the allocator asks the operating system for more heap space.

Managing Free Space

  • There are three approaches to managing free space:

    • If buckets are being used, then a bitmap of which items in each bucket are free can be maintained. This is pretty straightforward.

    • Boundary Tags - At the high and low end of each chunk, we keep a bit telling us if the chunk is free or allocated and how big the chunk is

    • Doubly Linked, Embedded Free List - The free chunks contain pointers to a previous free chunk and a next free chunk. Often these lists are sorted to help best-fit algorithms.

Bugs and Explicit Allocators

  • For languages like C, when programs write beyond the boundaries of allocated sections of the memory explicitly allocated, it is possible that these overwrites will write into structures used by the allocator.

  • Because of this possibility, different allocators are more or less susceptible to different types of errors. In general, Boundary Tags, and Doubly Linked Embedded Free List are fairly vulnerable to these types of bugs. Bucket allocators with bitmaps are less susceptible.

  • This reality can be of use during debugging. There are some debug-only allocators that return extra large regions of memory for each allocation and pad the front and back of each region. At deallocation time, if the padded values are altered, then the allocator can print an error to the console.

Debugging malloc / free

  • An excellent way to debug common malloc / free issues is to use the dmalloc library.

  • This library is available at It can be used in existing applications without modification.

  • This library can help you discover:

    • Where un-freed objects were originally allocated.

    • Where any buffer overruns are if they are encountered.

Expanding the Heap

  • There are two ways that UNIX allocators expand the heap:

    • sbrk - Asks the OS to increase the data segment by N bytes.

    • mmap/mfree - Requests from the OS to allocate a separate non-contiguous region of memory. Since these regions are non-contiguous, it is simpler to return them to the OS. mmap/mfree have a fairly large overhead. Often, mmap/mfree are used to service requests for larger allocations that don’t fit into a bucket (> 1MB).

Problems with manual deallocation

  • Manual memory deallocation can lead to memory leaks. Memory leaks are defined as memory that has been allocated, but not deallocated and will not be referenced at any point in the future.

  • Memory leaks do not cause a program to be incorrect or to crash as long as enough free memory is available. For short lived programs this is not a problem. For longer lived programs this is a problem.

Problems with manual deallocation

  • Manual memory deallocation can lead to problems if after the deallocation, a pointer refers to the deallocated space and the program dereferences that pointer in the future. This can lead to modification of memory that was allocated to different pointers or to memory that has been released to the operating system. This can lead to crashes or incorrect program behavior.

Avoiding problems with manual deallocation

  • When designing an application, make sure each allocated object has a defined owner. This can be an instance of a class, or a function. This is applicable when the owner can be determined statically.

  • When the owner cannot be determined statically, using reference counters is advisable. Whenever a reference to an object is created, we increment the reference counter. Whenever a reference goes away, we decrease the reference counter. When the counter reaches zero, we deallocate the object. This runs into trouble with cyclic structures.

A simple Malloc / Free Implementation (Example from IBM Developer Works)

{language=C, basicstyle=, indent=xleftmargin}

#include <unistd.h>
int has_initialized = 0;
void *managed_memory_start;
void *last_valid_address;

struct mem_control_block {
  int is_available;
  int size;

void malloc_init()
  last_valid_address = sbrk(0);
  managed_memory_start = last_valid_address;
   has_initialized = 1;

A simple Malloc / Free Implementation

{language=C, basicstyle=, indent=xleftmargin}

void myfree(void *firstbyte) {
  struct mem_control_block *mcb;
  mcb = (struct mem_control_block*)
           (firstbyte - sizeof(struct mem_control_block));
  mcb->is_available = 1;

A simple Malloc / Free Implementation

{language=C, basicstyle=, indent=xleftmargin}

void *mymalloc(long numbytes) {
  void *current_location;
  struct mem_control_block *current_location_mcb;
  void *memory_location;
  if(! has_initialized)   {
  numbytes = numbytes + sizeof(struct mem_control_block);
  memory_location = 0;
  current_location = managed_memory_start;

A simple Malloc / Free Implementation

{language=C, basicstyle=, indent=xleftmargin}

while(current_location != last_valid_address)
  current_location_mcb =
         (struct mem_control_block *)current_location;
    if(current_location_mcb->size >= numbytes)
      current_location_mcb->is_available = 0;
      memory_location = current_location;
  current_location = current_location +

A simple Malloc / Free Implementation

{language=C, basicstyle=, indent=xleftmargin}

    memory_location = last_valid_address;
    last_valid_address = last_valid_address + numbytes;
    current_location_mcb =
               (struct mem_control_block*)memory_location;
    current_location_mcb->is_available = 0;
    current_location_mcb->size = numbytes;
  memory_location = memory_location +
              sizeof(struct mem_control_block);
  return memory_location;

Garbage Collection

Garbage Collection

  • Data that can’t be referenced is considered garbage

  • One problem that explicit allocators have is that deallocation is the source of bugs

  • Some runtimes and programming languages provide automatic garbage collectors.

  • The first garbage collector implementation was for the LISP programming language in 1958.

Requirements for Garbage Collectors

  • Most garbage collectors require that a system be type safe to support a collector.

  • Most garbage collectors require that references / pointers refer to the beginning of an object and not somewhere in the middle

  • In general, these guarantees cannot be made for C programs.

  • Garbage collectors exist for C, but programmers have to limit their use of the full capability of C

Goals for a Garbage Collector

  • Overall execution time for collection - Garbage collectors must access a lot of data. The faster they are the better

  • Space Usage - Garbage collectors must keep fragmentation to a minimum

  • Wait time - Many garbage collectors require that a program be temporarily halted while running. So, it is desirable that the maximum wait time be small.

  • Locality - Like explicit allocators, garbage collectors can help preserve locality by allocating memory from regions that are recently deallocated.

Disadvantages to Garbage Collection

  • Garbage collectors consume processing time determining which objects are garbage

  • Garbage collectors run interval is not predictable. This can cause trouble for:

    • The garbage collector may run too late, allowing too much garbage to pile up

    • Garbage collectors need to halt execution to one degree or another. This can degrade performance.

Disadvantages to Garbage Collection

  • Garbage collectors can’t detect when low physical memory conditions occur. With manual deallocation, the memory usage should always be the minimum needed, but with garbage collectors, this can be variable. So, it is possible that a garbage collector can encourage overuse of physical memory or unnecessary paging.

  • Garbage collectors cannot remove all possible memory leaks. Garbage collectors can only collect garbage.


  • Every program has a concept of a root set of references. The root set is the list of references held on the stack of every executing thread.

  • Some programming language and compiler support is required to make sure that this list is available to the garbage collector.

  • Operations that change reachability:

    • Allocations - allocating new objects create new reachable objects

    • Method “out” parameters and return values - Values returned from allocations within a method remain reachable by the caller

    • Reference copying - Copying a reference from one reference variable to another.

    • Method returns - When a method returns, all of the references on the stack that are not a part of the return are lost.

Reference Counting Garbage Collectors

  • Reference counting garbage collectors work by detecting when an object’s reference count reaches zero and at that time deallocate the object. References are increased and decreased in the following manner:

    • Allocation - New objects start with a reference count of 1

    • Parameter passing - when a parameter is passed to a method, it’s reference count is incremented

    • Reference assignments - If a copy of the reference is made, the reference count goes up by 1

    • Method returns - when a method returns, all references on that method’s stack have their counts decremented by 1

    • Transitive - if a reference count of an object reaches 0, then it also decrements the reference of every object it refers to.

Pros-Cons of Reference Counting Garbage Collectors

  • Pros

    • The implementation is very simple.

  • Cons

    • There is a lot of book keeping overhead. Every time a method is called and returned from, each parameter and stack variable has to be touched an additional time.

    • Reference counting cannot collect unreachable, cyclic data structures.

Mark-and-Sweep Garbage Collection

  • Mark-and-Sweep collectors work by stopping the execution of a program and use an algorithm to determine which objects are not reachable and return those unreachable objects to the free list.

  • The algorithm works by maintaining four sets

    • The free list - a list of free memory regions

    • The root set - a list of all references on the stacks of all executing threads and global variables.

    • The referenced list - a list of objects that are referenced.

    • The unscanned list - a list of allocated objects that have not yet been found to be referenced.

  • The algorithm then does a depth first search form all items in the root set. If an item is reached in the scan, it is removed from the unscanned list to the referenced list.

  • After the scan is complete, items remaining in the unscanned list are moved to the free list as garbage.

Mark-and-Compact Garbage Collection

  • Compacting garbage collectors take the additional step of moving objects around in memory after collection to make free space contiguous and to make allocated objects closer to each other in memory.

  • The most popular type of these collectors are copying collectors.

  • Copying collectors modify the Mark-and-Sweep collector algorithm by performing a copy operation to a contiguous free memory region that is set aside at collection time instead of adding the objects to the referenced list. Then, after collection is complete, the previous memory region becomes the free memory region.

  • For more details, see “Cheney’s Algorithm” in a paper by C.J. Cheney in the ACM library.

Garbage Collection Costs

  • Mark-and-Sweep collectors costs are related to the number of reachable objects

  • Compacting (Copying) collectors costs are related to the total size of reachable objects.

Incremental Garbage Collection

  • The previously mentioned garbage collectors stop the execution of all threads in a program to run. This can cause programs to pause for long periods of time.

  • To keep programs responsive, incremental garbage collection is desirable.

  • Instead of collecting all garbage, incremental garbage collectors just collect objects that can be found to be unreachable without performing a mark and sweep algorithm.

  • Then, in subsequent collections, the collector will be able to collect objects that became unreachable by the previous collection in addition to any newly unreachable objects.

Incremental Garbage Collection

  • Why in general do incremental garbage collectors work well?

  • For most programs, objects become garbage rapidly. This means that most allocations in a program become unreferenced fairly soon after being allocated.

  • Often, the number of objects that become garbage rapidly is in the range of 80 - 95 percent. These objects are typically easily collected and at a high rate by an incremental garbage collector

  • The downside is that, very often an object that survives a first round of incremental collection, will often survive more than one round. In copying incremental collectors, this means that they will also be copied multiple times.

Generational Garbage Collection

  • Generational garbage collectors are a specific way of implementing a copying incremental garbage collector.

  • Generational collectors split the heap into N sections. Section 0 is the oldest, 1 is the next oldest, ….

  • When section 0 becomes full, then the collector is invoked and copies reachable objects into section 1, making the entire section 0 free.

  • When any 1…N section becomes full, the same algorithm takes place.

  • Occasionally, garbage collection is run for some value of i between 1 and N to free objects in sections 1…N.

  • This type of collection is very fast because it favors scanning young objects which are objects most likely to be garbage.

Generational Garbage Collection

  • Generational garbage collectors are used in many platforms -

  • Java

  • .NET

  • Python

Buyer Beware

  • Even with advanced and efficient garbage collection algorithms, it is still possible in theory to “leak” memory.

  • Programs that have poorly defined object lifetimes or hang on to references for too long can accumulate objects that will never be referenced in the future.

  • Programs like these will slowly run out of memory without creating any garbage for the collector to reclaim.

  • It is also important to remember that with incremental / generational collectors, not all garbage is collected every time. Also some of these collectors will never reclaim large objects (greater than 8KB) due to the cost. It is possible in these systems to run out of memory artificially.