Files and I/O

Common attributes of all (UNIX) files

  • All files:

    • Live in the filesystem namespace (under root, or /). No drive letters!

    • Have a name

    • Implement read, write, open, close, and select system calls.

  • All can be contained in either normal or special folders

  • All have a concept of a:

    • Owning user and group

  • Read/write/execute bits for the owning user/group, and for other users/groups

  • A list of custom extended attributes

  • Creation date/time

  • Last accessed date/time

  • Beyond these few things, there’s a great degree of variety in semantics and structure for various file types

Types of Files in Unix

  • Regular files

  • Symbolic links

  • Folders

  • Block device files

  • Character device files

  • Named pipes/FIFOs

  • UNIX domain sockets

  • Doors (Solaris only)

Regular Files

  • Persist data from programs. Reside in filesystems.

  • In addition to owner/permissions. Regular files have:

    • A committed and defined size (which differ for filesystems that support sparse files)

    • Can be accessed sequentially

    • Can be accessed in random order

  • Exceptions exist for device restrictions such as exit for tape drives


  • In early UNIX implementations, folders were files that listed other files and had a special bit set to make them folders.

  • Folders were modified by reading from and writing to the file.

  • Some of these semantics still exist

  • Early operating systems did not support folders:

    • Macintosh file system (circa 1984)

    • CP/M file system (predecessor to MS-DOS and FAT)

  • Folders do not have a file size

  • The execute bit for a folder determines:

    • If the contents of the folder may be listed

    • If a program may change use it as its working folder

Block Device Files

  • Block device files are file abstractions for devices exposed by the operating system.

  • Common device block files are:

    • Hard disks

    • CD/DVD/Blu-Ray drives

    • Floppy drives

    • USB media

    • Mapped memory devices (RAM disks, or diagnostic devices)

  • Block devices support:

    • Random access

    • Buffered read/write (through some characteristic block size)

    • Block device files are either automatically exposed by the operating system through special file systems or are user created through special system programs and system calls. Approaches vary.

    • Early Linux depended upon special programs

    • Modern Linux uses special filesystems (devfs, sysfs)

Character Device Files

  • Character device files are file abstractions for devices exposed by the operating system.

  • Common character devices are:

    • terminals

    • serial ports

    • modems

    • network cards

    • video/sound devices

    • tape drives

  • Most character devices do not support random access.

  • Those that do, typically have a high cost for seek operations

Named Pipes/FIFOs

  • Named pipes are pipes that exist in the filesystem.

  • Allow for pipe operations in sets of programs that have different lifetimes such as client server programs.

  • We will dig into more detail on pipes when we discuss inter-process communication.

Unix Domain Sockets

  • Domain sockets are sockets that have a name in the filesystem.

  • Similar to named pipes except they can be created in a streaming or datagram mode

  • Unlike regular sockets, domain sockets do not have an underlying TCP/IP or UDP/IP protocol

Filesystem System Calls

  • A majority of the system calls in a UNIX operating system exist to operate upon files

  • The acronym MS-DOS expands to MicroSoft Disk Operating System. The DOS part of this acronym seems to greatly apply to all operating systems.

Filesystem System Calls

Filesystem Calls




opens/creates files and returns a file descriptor


creates new files


closes a file descriptor (reduces references to the file)


updates a file descriptor’s current file offset


reads data from a file descriptor into a buffer


writes data from a buffer to a file descriptor


duplicates one file descriptor


updates a file descriptor to point to another one


changes file properties (asynchronous I/O, file locks)


a ‘catch all’ interface that interacts with device files, setting atypical properties, etc…


returns rwx bits, size, timestamps, and other details


tests for read, write, execute, or existence of a file


updates file creation mask


updates rwx bits

More Filesystem System Calls

Filesystem Calls


changes file user/group ownership


change the length of a file (grow or shrink)


create a hard link


remove a name in the filesystem and possibly the file it refers to (no processes have the file open)


deletes empty directories


combines unlink/rmdir into one call


renames a file, possibly changing its parent folder


creates a symbolic link


reads the value of a symbolic link


updates the access and modification time


creates a folder


opens a folder for reading


reads the next entry in a folder


resets directory entry to beginning


closes a directory descriptor


changes current working directory


gets current working directory


flushes buffer cache for filesystem to disk

Opening Files with open()

int open(const char *pathname, int flags, mode_t mode)
int open(const char *pathname, int flags)
  • pathname is the path to the file

  • flags can be combinations of:

    • O_APPEND: open in append mode

    • O_ASYNC: use signal driven asynchronous I/O

    • O_CREAT: create the file if it does not exist

    • O_DIRECT: minimize use of the buffer cache

    • O_SYNC: opened for synchronous I/O - block until write calls are committed to hardware

    • O_TRUNC: if file already exists, truncate it to length 0

    • and many others…

  • mode is used for O_CREAT and is typically passed as an octal:

    • 0XYZ, X is for user, Y is for group, Z is for others

    • each digit, being an octal digit is composed of three bits

    • the most significant bit is read permissions

    • the next most significant bit is write permissions

    • the least significant bit is execute permissions

    • 0700 means user has rwx, group and other have no access

    • 0660 means user/group have rw, other has no acess

  • return value of open() is the file descriptor, or -1 if an error happens

Closing files with close()

int close(int fd)
  • fd argument is a file descriptor returned by a call to: open, dup, pipe, etc…

  • return value is 0 on success or -1 on failure (bad file descriptor, interrupted by signal)

Writing to a File

ssize_t write(int fd, const void *buf, size_t count);
  • fd is an opened file descriptor

  • but is a buffer

  • count is the number of bytes from that buffer to write to the file at the current offset

  • the return value of the method will be

    • return == -1 if an error is encountered

    • return == count in most successful cases

    • return < count in some implementations (network filesystems in some cases)

Typical Write Algorithm

const char *data = "foobar";
int fd = open("file", O_CREAT | O_TRUNC | O_RDWR, 0666);
size_t length = strlen(data), offset = 0;
while(length > 0) {
   size_t written = write(fd, data + offset, length);
   offset += written;
   length -- written;

Reading from a File

size_t read(int fd, void *buf, size_t count);
  • takes as arguments a file descriptor, a destination buffer, and the number of bytes to read into that buffer

  • the return values of the method will be:

    • return == -1 if an error occurred

    • return == 0 if EOF is encountered

    • return == count in most success cases

Typical Read Algorithm

int fd = open("file", O_RDONLY, 0666);
char buffer[5];
while((length = read(fd, &buffer[0], 5)) != 0) {
    write(1, &buffer[0], length);

Seeking within a File

  • Not all files support seeking.

  • The use of seek calls is how random access I/O is performed

  • The use of seek calls have performance implications (more later…)

  • off_t lseek(int fd, off_t offset, int whence)

    • fd is a file descriptor

    • offset is the number of bytes relative to whence

    • whence is one of SEEK_SET (beginning of file), SEEK_CUR (current position of the file descriptor), or SEEK_END (end of the file)

    • The off_t type is typically a 64-bit signed integer. It is possible to seek both within and outside of a file.

  • Seeking outside of a file will cause the value of 0 to be written from the end of the file to the seek position.

  • Filesystems that support sparse files, will optimize this to prevent unnecessary write operations.

Standard File Descriptors


standard input. default is the input pipe from the console; default value is 0


standard output. default is the output pipe to the console; default value is 1


standard error. default is the output pipe to the console; default value is 2

every program is initialized with these three file descriptors open by default. their specific targets may have been redirected by the parent program (more later…)

Duplicating File Descriptors

int dup(int fd) : duplicate a file descriptor
  • accepts a file descriptor and returns a copy of it with a new id

  • the duplicated file descriptor has an independent file offset and reference to the file

  • reasons to duplicate file descriptors:

    • for use in multi-threading, to avoid calls to lseek()

    • one call necessary for redirecting stdin/stdout/stderr

Redirecting File Descriptors

int dup2(int oldfd, int newfd) : redirect a file descriptor
  • makes newfd be a copy of oldfd

  • if newfd is open, it is automatically closed

  • This call differs from dup() in that both of the file descriptors in this case share the same file offset.

  • So, calling lseek() on one will cause the offset of the other to change.

  • dup() and dup2() are used to redirect stdin, stdout, and stderr on the command line (sometimes to combine them)

Redirecting File Descriptors code example

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    int pipes[2];
    int input = pipes[0], output = pipes[1];
    int pid = fork();
    if(pid > 0) {            //parent process
        dup2(input, 0)   //redirect stdin
        close(output);    //close unused half of pipe
        scanf("%d\n", &value);
        printf("child sent value = %d\n", value);
    } else if(pid == 0) {  //child process
        dup2(output, 1); //redirect STDOUT
        close(input);        //close unused half of pipe
        printf("%d\n", 5000);
    return 0;

Reading Folders

int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {
    const char *dir = "/";
    DIR *d = opendir(dir);

    struct dirent *de;
    while((de = readdir(d)) != NULL) {
        printf("name %s\n", de->d_name);
    return 0;

Looking Ahead: I/O Performance


  • Achieving good I/O performance is about choosing the right buffering strategy.

  • Reading/Writing with small buffers will lead to lower throughput.

  • Reading/Writing with large buffers will create a longer wait for read/write to return.

  • This time could be used processing the data.

  • balance must be achieved.

  • Producer/Consumer models are advantageous:

    • One process/thread reads a file (producer)

    • Another process/thread runs computation (consumer)

    • This way, you’re computing and performing I/O at the same timeConsider memory mapped I/O - (more later when we talk about IPC)

Simple I/O Performance Experiment

dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=1 count=1000000 - 671 kB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=10 count=100000 - 5.9 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=100 count=10000 - 38.9 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=1000 count=1000 - 244 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=10000 count=100 - 537 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=100000 count=10 - 834 MB/s
dd if=/dev/zero of=tmp.dat bs=1000000 count=1 - 461 MB/s

In general:

  • Increasing block size improves performance.

  • This is a single run of dd for each block size. Multiple runs would likely result in higher average throughput.

  • System load at any given time can impact the observed performance numbers.

Reading/Writing Performance

  • Another approach to consider is Vectored I/O a.k.a. Gather-Scatter

  • Programs will often separate reads/writes into different calls.

  • One example would be a program that writes a header and then the content in two separate calls.

  • Additional calls involve additional context switches and decreased performance.

  • Vectored I/O allows several read/write calls to be combined.

  • Smart operating system implementations will also allow them to be read/written out of order.

  • This can make for significant performance gains.

  • We’ll see more about this when we study the elevator algorithm as we look deeper into storage topics.

Performance Example

char *file_data1 = "1234567890";
char *file_data2 = "abcdefghijk";
char *file_data3 = "lmnopqrstuvwxyz";
const char *file_name = "temp.dat";
int main(int argc, char* argv[]) {

        int fd = open(file_name, O_CREAT|O_TRUNC|O_RDWR, 0666);
        if(fd == (-1)) {
                printf("open returned (-1)\n");
                return (-1);

        struct iovec buffers[3];
        buffers[0].iov_base = file_data1;
        buffers[0].iov_len = strlen(file_data1);
        buffers[1].iov_base = file_data2;
        buffers[1].iov_len = strlen(file_data2);
        buffers[2].iov_base = file_data3;
        buffers[2].iov_len = strlen(file_data3);

        int written = writev(fd, buffers, 3);
        if(written == (-1)) {
                printf("writev returned (-1)\n");
                return (-1);
        printf("wrote %d bytes\n", written);

        return 0;