Installing a Linux Virtual Machine with VMware

VMware Fusion vs Player vs Workstation

The instructions given here are with VMware Fusion on OSX. The steps are nearly identical for the other two VMware products.

Step 1: Create a VM


Step 2: Create the VM with an installer disk


Step 3: Locate the ISO file


Step 4: Fill out Easy-Install details


Step 5: Customize settings


Step 6: Processors and memory


Step 7: Start the VM


Step 8: Wait for Easy-Install to complete


Step 9: Log into the new VM and Launch a terminal


Step 10: Install course software


These screen shots were prepared awhile ago. Please use apt-get install build-essential. This is a metapackage that gives you everything needed for our class. You may also want to include cmake, which will be used in some of my examples.


Step 11: Install security updates


Step 12: Reboot
