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Book Info

This book is hosted on GitHub Pages. It is written using the delightful Python Sphinx documentation tool. In addition, we use the Sphinx RTD Theme.

You can checkout the book from the Book Source Code and build it yourself. This could be useful if you wish to help us correct bugs/errors by issuing a pull request. While we welcome pull requests, we ask that you make sure your request can build successfully, especially if it requires changes to the book and any of the accompanying repositories.

Book Examples

Although we write most examples in 100% pure C code, there are occasions where we mix C and C++, especially if the C++ code does not get in the way of the systems pedagogy. That said, we also have some emerging examples in Go, Java, C#, Python, and Scala, since we are constantly trying to find a way to apply high-level langauges and software engineering ideas to systems programming. While the most promising we have found so far is Go, we don’t think it is going to fully displace C/C++ for the foreseeable future. Nevertheless, early testing has shown some good performance! The future of systems remains bright!

C/C++ Examples


Java Examples


Java Multicast Example



If you have any questions, please contact gkt@cs.luc.edu. George K. Thiruvathukal acts as the maintainer and lead author of this book.